Terms and Conditions


These Terms and Conditions govern the access and use of the website www.vpr-group.com, under the responsibility of PEDRA INSÓLITA - UNIPESSOAL LDA., corporate entity number 517373807, headquartered at Travessa do Cavaco, No. 26, 7000-841 Évora (hereinafter 'VPR GROUP').

The website of our company has an address composed of a set of pages.

The site is presented on the condition that the user agrees not to modify the terms and conditions contained in this document, meaning, to use this site, the user accepts the presented terms of use.


Our company reserves the right to modify the terms in which the site is presented at any time. It is advised for the user to regularly visit the regulations of this page to stay updated on the Terms of Use of the company's website.


The website of our company may contain links to external sites. The linked sites are not under the control of the company, and we are not responsible for the content of any linked site, including any changes or updates to a linked site. The company's website provides these links solely as a convenience, and the inclusion does not imply endorsement by the company of the linked site or any association with its operators.


By using our company's website, the user guarantees not to use it for illegal or prohibited purposes. You may not use the site to damage, overload, or disable the site, or interfere with the use of any other part or functionality. You may not obtain or attempt to obtain any information or content intentionally not made available or published on the site.


The information, software, products, and services included on the site or made available through our site may include inaccuracies or typographical errors, and changes are periodically made. The website and/or suppliers may make improvements or changes to the site at any time.

Our company and/or suppliers are not responsible for the reliability, availability, and accuracy of the information, programs, products, services, images, and graphics contained on the site, nor for the misuse of information, programs, products, services, images, and graphics, which are provided as-is without any warranty or condition of any kind.

The website of our company and/or suppliers hereby disclaims all warranties and conditions regarding this information, programs, products, services, images, and graphics, including all warranties and conditions of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


The company reserves the right to terminate the user's access to the site and related services or any part thereof at any time, without notice or explanation. The act of 'Illegal Use' of the site in this agreement is governed by Portuguese law in all disputes related to the use of the site. The use of the site is unauthorized in any jurisdiction where this agreement has no effect on all parties to this agreement and conditions, including this paragraph.

The user agrees that no association, partnership, employment, or relationship exists between the user and the site, and as a consequence of this agreement or use of the site. The company's actions under this agreement are subject to existing laws and legal process, and nothing contained in this agreement waives the site's right to comply with governmental or law enforcement requests or requirements regarding the use of our company's site.

If any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid, unenforceable, or in conflict with the law, then the invalid or unenforceable part will be replaced with a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original, and the remainder of the agreement shall remain in effect. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the user and the company with respect to the company's site and supersedes all prior communications and proposals, whether electronic, oral, or written, between the user and the company regarding the site. A printed version of this agreement and of any notice given in electronic form may be requested in judicial or administrative proceedings related to this agreement.


The present page and the Terms of Use contained herein have been created in accordance with Portuguese law. In case of divergence or conflict in the interpretation of the information, it shall be submitted to the competent Portuguese court for analysis.

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